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Camel Milk Health And Lifestyle Blogs
Lip augmentation has become the second-fastest-growing facial procedure in America (thanks to all the crazy, fearless millennials and FDA approvals). It’s kind of a scary thought to have some unknown substances injected into your only pair of lips –- something you need and use every day. So before you make this jump, let’s go over some helpful pieces of knowledge. Wh
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For those who understand the burden of dealing with random rashes and flare-ups almost every day, you’ve probably tweaked your skin-care routine, adopted a new beauty product, or have tried to find new ways to alleviate the problem. The same questions will always remain. Will it give me funny bumps? Will it make me red? Give me rashes? Make me itch? While there isn’t
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Skin is our body’s biggest organ, and arguably the most beautiful. It does a pretty good job at reflecting our health, so making sure we treat it well by cleaning and feeding it the right nutrients is an important aspect of our lives. But you don’t need to scour cosmetic shops for overpriced creams and cleaners when you have the internet to give you all the knowledge
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Gluten-free and grain-free, coconut flour is one of the best alternative flours in the market. Perfect for thickening soups, creating a tender crumb on your baked goods, and providing nutritious benefits, this is one flour you’ll want to add to your pantry. Choosing the Best Coconut Flour This product is the new “it” superfood hype, but before rushing to the store, know
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White flour has been a part of our everyday lives, whether we notice it or not. It’s in our bagels, sandwiches, baked goods, pizza, pasta, and more. What we don’t think about is how unhealthy it is to consume this much of white flour. Why Is White Flour Bad for You? Refined white flour has very few natural vitamins and minerals. Not only are the good-for-you aspects of th
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Skin is the biggest organ of the human body, yet it seems so easy to neglect it or treat it in ways we shouldn’t treat it. From spending time in the sun without protection to not moisturizing daily, damage can definitely accumulate a lot faster than we know. Here is a list of things you should never do to your skin. Putting Toothpaste on a Pimple Somehow, this became the
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Your skin is the shield that protects your entire body. Whoa — now that’s a pretty important job if you have to ask me! We should be doing everything in our power to keep our skin healthy, strong, and looking radiant. Nowadays, we are actually doing our skin more harm than good with the number of chemical products we use. So, what should we do to make sure we get the
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We all know the struggle of wanting to snack every other hour of the day, especially if you sit at a desk all day at work. Whether it’s from boredom or simply because we love to eat, the snack attack is real. It’s no shame — we all have that bar of chocolate, a bag of gummy bears, or chips hiding in our drawer somewhere. Many of us want to make the switch to healthier sna
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Hummus is one of those tasty, guilt-free, and healthy foods we love dipping our veggie sticks and pita bread into. The ingredients in a typical hummus recipe include chickpeas, lemon juice, tahini, olive oil, and garlic – which means it’s packed with nutrients we all want in our bodies. Chickpeas contain protein, fiber, iron, folate, phosphorus, and B vitamins, while
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Fat is something we have painted as evil, and being “fat” is something that has been shamed time and time again. It has been the root cause of high cholesterol, heart disease, and obesity, so how could fat not be vilified the way it has been? But the truth is that our bodies need fat, not just to function in all the ways it needs to, but we need it to survive. Plus,
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Reading nutrition labels on products I’ve never bought before have become mandatory for me. I believe everyone should get into the habit of doing so, because who doesn’t want to know whether they are eating harmful and unnatural ingredients or not? If you didn’t before, you should try to start now. Believe me, you will start to be more aware of what you put in your body a
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I not only cringe when I see a bee buzzing by, I freak out and try very hard to not let it near me. The idea of not knowing how being stung feels like or if I’ll go into anaphylactic shock is just an unpleasant thought. It’s interesting how something that can cause pain and death, could also produce such amazing natural products that help the human body. We’re all familia
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Let’s face it, we now live in the 21st century where beauty standards have skyrocketed in comparison to those of the past. The beauty industry is a multimillion-dollar industry that provides consumers with products to help them with all of their skin, face, hair, and body needs. Majority of these products, however, contain harsh chemicals that shouldn’t be used topically.
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The anguish of a breakout is bad enough, never mind the red marks and scars blemishes leave behind. While acne scars can certainly affect the physical appearance of your skin, they can also lower your confidence and take an emotional toll. But don’t give up hope on your skin just yet: there are several natural remedies for repairing and regenerating skin cells, which
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There are a ton of people and websites telling us what’s good for us and what’s bad for us. Diets, in particular, have been one of those topics non-experts always ask about. Is being vegan better for your health? Can a paleo diet help me feel stronger? Or should I cut carbohydrates from my diet in order to lose weight? Carbs are an interesting thing. We all love them, wh
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Many of us turn to “quick fix” skin solutions, such as spot treatments, skin creams, and gels. But the truth is, there’s nothing more effective in keeping your skin flawless than your diet. Let’s take a look at four of the best foods to eat — and the foods to avoid — when it comes to having beautiful skin. What to Eat for Healthy Skin Bone Broth Once thought of as
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When people think of protein-rich diets, the Atkins diet and the Paleo diet are two of the first to come to mind. Both of these diets have several things in common, from the foods they include to the foods they restrict. However, when comparing the two, there are also key differences to consider. When it comes to the Atkins vs. Paleo diet, which is better for overall
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Getting a cold or flu can be no joke. It can cause you to feel weak, tired like you can’t do anything right, and like you just want to sleep the sickness away. It stops you from living your normal everyday life the way you want, whether it’s going out with your friends, making meals at home, or going to work. Needless to say, no one would welcome colds or flus if
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We all know how annoying it is to have itchy ears. It’s something you can’t just easily fix with a quick scratch or rub. Well, you technically could give it a quick scratch. But more times than not, it’s probably doing more harm than good. Luckily, with at least one or two ingredients, you don’t have to travel anywhere or consult a doctor to get your itchy ear fix. First,
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No one, and I repeat, no one, enjoys having allergies. People will get shots, change their entire diet, stay indoors for weeks, just to avoid the annoying symptoms of allergies. Sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, watery eyes, itching, hives, congestion – that all sounds like nature’s way of torturing humans. Because allergies are triggered by different causes a
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Camel milk has many health benefits, but did you know that it may also be effective for managing type 1 diabetes? Type 1 diabetes takes place when a person’s pancreas stops producing insulin. Insulin is an important substance for getting glucose to the cells of the body. In the United States, it’s estimated that 1.25 million people have type 1 diabetes, and hundreds o
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Sugar cravings can derail even the most disciplined diet. You can eat well 90 percent of the time, but a few slip-ups every day can make you feel awful and stall your progress. Sugar is okay as an occasional treat. But most of us are eating way too much of it. It’s processed extremely quickly in the body. So you get a quick burst of energy, then a vicious crash.
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Let’s talk about your gut. I know, I know. Not exactly the most pleasant topic. But gut problems are something that millions of people struggle with. Some of us aren’t even aware of it, though that doesn’t make the devastating health effects any less real. Just how serious is the gut health problem, anyway? Most importantly: what can we do about it? Keep reading to find o
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Many people who decide to make the switch to the Paleo diet most likely were on a diet that heavily relied on grains, dairy, sugars, unhealthy oils, and simple carbohydrates. Think of all the delicious fried foods we love and our favorite desserts packed with sugary goodness, not to mention all the rice, pasta, and bread as part of our staple foods. Although we can’t
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Over one billion people worldwide suffer from vitamin D deficiency. That’s a lot of people. So many people, in fact, that 90% of the United States population are believed to be deficient in this vitamin. So, exactly why is vitamin D important? Vitamin D, also known as the “Sun Vitamin,” is one of the four fat-soluble vitamins alongside vitamin K, E, and A. Vitamin D i
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Probiotics are all the rage these days. A new brand of supplement or fermented product is released each day peddling the benefits of these friendly bugs, and for good reason. Simply speaking, probiotics are bacteria — but they aren’t bad bacteria in the traditional sense like how germs cause infection. Rather, these microscopic organisms are essential for life, and you ha
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Bloating is the result of gas or fluid accumulating in your GI tract, or when bacteria in your large intestine have a hard time breaking down certain foods. If you’re feeling sluggish, crampy, heavy, and tired, it would be good to consider what foods in your diet could be causing the bloating. What are FODMAPS? FODMAPS are naturally found in a wide range of foods. They
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Have you ever felt the urge to workout first thing in the morning? Before eating breakfast? You know, just hop straight into it and get it out the way? If you have and acted on this urge, did you know that you were doing fasted cardio? Fasted cardio can be defined just by looking at its name. It’s performing cardio in a fasted state. I know, it may sound a bit impossi
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The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck just below the Adam’s apple. It is part of an intricate network of glands called the endocrine system, which is responsible for coordinating many of your body’s activities. The thyroid’s main job is regulating your body’s metabolism. The thyroid gland is about two inches long and has two sid
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Olive oil has always been seen as a “healthy” staple in the kitchen, with the cultivation of olives dating back to around 5000 B.C. on Crete and the Greek Islands. But there are also those who believe it started in Jordan, Persia, or even the Valleys of the Nile. And then you might also hear it originating in Israel where stone presses dating back 7,000 years ago were f
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A few years ago, it was only deemed important for avid gym goers, yet protein has become mainstream this year. Forget checking calories or fat content, most of us are reaching straight for the label to see what items pack a protein punch. But how much of it do we actually need? And what are the best foods for getting it? How do we Get Protein? We get it in two ways. Prote
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Fish oil is the fat or oil that is extracted from fish tissue. It comes from oily fish like tuna, herring, salmon, mackerel, and anchovies, and is one of the most commonly consumed dietary supplements. They are usually good for people who don’t consume enough omega-3s in their diet, whether it’s because they don’t like fish, are vegan or vegetarian, or think it’s too exp
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You may have heard of the alkaline diet as a way to get glowing skin, and to boost your energy levels, immunity and fat loss. In fact, some (including celebrities) swear by the alkaline diet for transforming their health. This has some people referring to it as a ‘movement’, rather than a diet. So, is the alkaline diet another Hollywood hoax, or can it actually provide l
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I love dipping my carrot sticks in hummus, or using it as a spread in my wraps or sandwiches. What is hummus, you ask? It’s a thick and creamy spread made primarily from chickpeas and a few other healthy ingredients to give you a guilt-free snack. What Is Hummus? Hummus is one of the most widely eaten Middle Eastern foods in the U.S. today. As history finds it, hummu
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Back in 2013, 83 percent of adults consumed coffee in the U.S. Although the numbers dropped, it doesn’t mean there aren’t still millions of Americans getting their cup of joe fix each morning. Now more than half of Americans drink coffee every day, and it remains a question as to whether coffee is good or bad for you. Coffee Nutrition Facts One eight-ounce cup of regular
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A lot of times, people think it costs a fortune or takes too much time when it comes to taking care of their hair, nails, and skin. We see it in movies and TV shows where you see people getting glamorous at the salon, but in this case, it takes just a little effort. From the foods you eat to the products you use, they all affect the health of your skin, hair, and nails, a
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Camel milk is lower in lactose than cow milk, but has a higher amount of zinc, which helps fight free-radical damage, infertility, diabetes, promotes liver health, and so much more. This makes camel milk an easy way to help people who are prone to infection, have a major sweet tooth, or are exposed to foods and environments that cause the body to produce free radicals. Zi
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Just last week, I was doing this intense cardio/plyometrics exercise at home. Cardio is usually always the worst for me, but I realized what became worse than my cardio, was my strength, particularly my arm strength. I used to be able to do 20 pushups straight without flinching. Now, doing just four was difficult. I love having arm strength and I want to be able to rely o
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If you clicked to read this, you probably either have rosacea or know someone who does. According to the National Rosacea Society (NRS), rosacea affects 16 million Americans and is characterized by red bumps, pus pimples, and facial redness caused by overactive blood vessels under the skin that dilate and cause flushing. It definitely is understandable to want to gai
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I’m sure we all know the wonders sleep does for us. It’s basically the cure-all for all our life’s problems. When I’m going through an emotional roller coaster, have writer’s block, am sick, or need a break, sleep seems to always be the answer. But a lot of us are prone to tossing and turning, staying up late for unknown reasons, and wanting to swipe our phones until
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Everyone experiences stress, and stress can be experienced for a number of varying reasons. But there is something truly unpleasant about stress that you can just, feel. It’s that splitting headache, the tense shoulders, or the stiff neck. You can feel it permeate through every inch of your body, and at the end of the day, you’re left feeling anxious and exhausted. Wh
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Major milestones in life bring major changes and shifts. During these periods of change, the ability to adapt and adjust proves to be an important one. These adaptability skills have been ingrained in humans since the dawn of time, ensuring our survival and the continuation of our species. Thousands of years later, not much has changed. As a species, we still learn to rol
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We all want to be in shape and healthy, and that means incorporating guilt-free meals that keep our bodies running smoothly. But sometimes, we all need that cheat meal. And I’m not just saying that because I love junk foods. A study in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that it’s actually good for you to give in to food temptations every once in a while. The study
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Pull your right leg up and back, grab it with both arms, and hold for a ten count. For many people, this is part of their pre-exercise routine. This form of stretching is called static stretching. Static stretching requires you to hold a muscle in one position for a set amount of time while the rest of the body stays still. From the 1930’s until the late 90’s, this ty
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We all have those problem areas that can be hard to work out. Especially for us women who know exactly what needs extra work (lower abs and inner thighs anyone?). Here are some simple exercises to help target multiple areas a lot of women find trouble with. Single Leg Deadlift This exercise is great because it lifts and tones the glutes and activates your entire core,
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You round the final turn, glance at your watch and realize you just set a new personal record. You walk into your apartment, grab a bottle of water and jump into the shower. Stop! Something is missing here — you forgot to stretch! While the kind of stretching you should do after a run differ no matter your philosophy, stretching after a run is a must for several key r
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You ever find yourself wanting to munch on something even after you already had your meal? I have had massive cravings, especially for snacks like chips, candy, cake, and ice cream, and it’s torturous. We all know it’s bad to eat foods high in sugar, high in fat, and foods that are processed, but I know when I crave something, I have to have it, and I get it. What usually
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We all want to be able to have an effective workout in the comfort of our own home. Thanks to Google and YouTube, we have the ability to do that. But sometimes, we might not be doing all the exercises right, and could potentially hurt ourselves. In fact, one of the most common causes of exercise-related injury is performing exercises or workout routines improperly. Her
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Living a healthy lifestyle should not be something too difficult or too frightening for the average human being. It’s not like you’re preparing for a zombie apocalypse, you know. It’s more like breathing — a part of your everyday life and simple to do. With a little focus, determination, and will power, beginning to change your current lifestyle to a healthier one can
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Most, if not all women want their booty to be as nice and tone as possible. And because we are not all winning with genetics, we have to work hard for what we want, and that means doing effective exercises. Squats, a booty’s best fitness friend, has been one of the most popular ways to shape and tone thighs and booties. Luckily, there are a handful of ways to spice up
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I remember the last time I was on an elliptical for 30 minutes, I got off, felt extremely nauseous, and threw up on my friend’s front lawn once we got back to her place. So for personal reasons, that’s probably my least favorite workout machine ever. But there is something about stair-climbers and ellipticals that just don’t do it for some people. You ever go into a g
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Exercising is one of those things we either choose to do or not do. It’s also one of those things that we all know we should do in order to stay healthy. But how many times has the absence of our workout been caused by words like, “I’m so tired,” or “I don’t have enough time,” or “I’m afraid I don’t know what I’m doing?” Probably a lot. It’s understandable why there are s
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Paleo is the diet that has been taking health and fitness communities by storm. It’s driving grocery stores and your favorite restaurant to offer new food options. And it’s creating some incredible transformations, leaving its followers happier — and healthier — than ever before. You’ve probably heard a lot about the paleo diet, whether from the media or your family and f
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When we really think about it, we use our knees a lot more than we know. Every day, we are either using them to sit, walk, run, do exercises, and countless other movements with our legs. And depending on how we move, we put a surprising amount of pressure on our knees. It’s unfortunate, but all the beating over the course of our life will eventually lead to our knees’ dow
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Although camel milk has a lower amount of vitamin A and vitamin B2 than cow milk, it is high in immunoglobulin, vitamin C, and other B vitamins like thiamine, folate, and niacin. This makes camel milk great for pregnant women who need folate to help prevent birth defects, while thiamine helps the body metabolize food for energy, and niacin promotes heart health. Everyone
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Camel milk is a good source of calcium, protein, phosphorus, and vitamin C, and even helps present diabetes, allergies, and fatty liver disease. But who would have thought that camel milk also holds a higher concentration of calcium than cow milk? We all know it is important for our bodies to have, that it keeps our bones strong and healthy, and that we need to consume a
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We all know exercise is something we’re supposed to incorporate into our lives to be healthy. And we also know that getting in all the exercise we need can be time-consuming, or too difficult. But is it really? The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity plus two or more days with musc
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Did you know that liver disease is the 12th highest cause of death in the United States? Up to 50% of people who are diagnosed with liver disease will have no symptoms; they may not even know they’re sick until they have an abnormal blood test. Fortunately, with further study, camel milk may offer a unique solution for one type of liver damage. Specifically, camel mil
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The main function of vitamin E in the body is to act as a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radical damage to specific fats in the body that are critical for your health. You may know it as something that helps keep your skin and hair healthy, but vitamin E also plays a role in inflammatory processes, inhibition of platelet aggregation, immune enhancement, and
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Kefir is a fermented drink made from milk or water. It’s high in probiotics and beneficial acids and it has a mild, pleasantly sour, yogurt-like taste. It’s great for digestive and immune system health and for balancing the gut microbiome — and due to the fermentation process, the nutrients in kefir are highly bioavailable. Kefir for Digestive Health Kefir has an
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Breakfast is a hot-button topic in the nutrition world. The debate has been raging for decades, and with so much confusion about what to eat (or if we should even eat at all), there are no signs of it slowing down. Everyone has their own opinion. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking to a trained dietician or your Aunt Erma. As soon as someone finds out your though
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Coffee or tea? It’s a debate that’s gone on for thousands of years. Everyone has an opinion, and hardly a day goes by without a new article, video, or scientific study comparing the two. All you want to know is the answer to a single question: Which beverage is right for your health? As you’ll see below, the answer isn’t black and white. Choosing the best beverage for y
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Probiotics are all the rage these days. It seems like a new brand of supplement or fermented product is released each day peddling the benefits of these friendly bugs. And for good reason. Simply speaking, probiotics are bacteria — but they aren’t bad bacteria in the traditional sense like how germs cause infection. Rather, these microscopic organisms are essenti
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Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for a healthy, happy body. Its importance was discovered and lost many times throughout history, and it wasn’t until the 1700s that its benefits were officially trialed and documented. The truth is: the human body cannot survive without a daily, regular intake of vitamin C. So, why is vitamin C important? There are a few reasons
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Camel milk has many healing properties. It has been used to treat health problems for many decades, but it is only recently that researchers have observed its effect on childhood allergies. With childhood food allergies becoming more common, estimated in the UK to occur at a rate of 1 in 20 children, doctors and researchers are looking for improved ways to treat and p
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Tiredness. Pale Skin. Dizziness. Fatigue. All signs of being run down and being on the go — yet more often than not these symptoms can also be a sign that you are missing on an important mineral in your body: iron. We all know iron is important, yet it still remains a common deficiency in women (and, less commonly, in men and children). In fact, it’s estimated that up
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Every year there’s a new popular diet or way of eating that claims to be the healthiest. From low-carb to high-fat to grain-free, both experts and media alike have their input about current diet trends and which ones are best. Two of the most popular diets in recent years are the Mediterranean and the Paleo diet. While these two diets are entirely different, both have
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When people think of protein-rich diets, the Atkins diet and the Paleo diet are two of the first to come to mind. Both of these diets have several things in common, from the foods they include to the foods they restrict. However, when comparing the two, there are also key differences to consider. When it comes to the Atkins vs. Paleo diet, which is better for overall
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Bone broth is a broth made by boiling bones, typically with meat and parts of the animal we typically like to discard (like bone marrow and cartilage). You could add vinegar to help draw out the nutrients, and throw in herbs, spices, and vegetables for even more flavor and nutrients. Bone broth creates and flavors a variety of dishes. Just think what you would use ch
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If you’re a woman, you have probably experienced a yeast infection at least once in your life. Three out of four women will meet this infection at least once in their life, and 50 percent of women will experience it more than once. If you haven’t, you should go for the lottery, because yeast infections are one of the most common events in a woman’s life. What exactly
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IMMUNOLOGIC Properties Commonly Shared by some Milk Varieties/Derivatives Exploitable For NUTRACEUTICAL Milk (nutritional supplement) Development by Leslie M. Nsofor, PhD President/Founder Lensof Konsult LLC 4436 Wagon Wheel Lane Lansing, Michigan 48917 Prospects of utilizing camel’s milk for controlling Alzheimer’s disease. HIGHLIGHTS MILK VARIETIES/DERIV
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Being pregnant is no easy task, nonetheless giving birth. Many people talk about the beauty and joys of pregnancy and those precious moments after pushing out their bundle of joy. Meanwhile, others are freaking out about all the madness and unknowns that come with carrying and releasing a human being out their body. As if preparing for a child isn’t stressful enough, no
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Motherhood has to be one of the most rewarding, scary, and natural occurrence in life for a woman. I can’t imagine anything that could cause so many emotions like fear, nervousness, excitement, joy, anger, helplessness, and so much more. But one thing that typically stays constant is that the love is real and strong, and a mother would want to do anything for their ch
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For everyone who has had more than one child, you probably thought all your feelings, thoughts, experiences, and way of doing things would stay constant with each child. I mean, why would it be any different right? They’re all your children, and they should all be treated the same, get the same things, and make you feel the same. Reality is, after your first child, you w
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Being able to parent is a blessing, and learning how to parent is always something people go through. This happens even when their kids are older. It’s just a never-ending process of hows, whys, and whats. So you could imagine the debates and opinions that are involved with the subject of parenting or how to be a good one. Breastfeeding has always been one of tho
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Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet can be extremely difficult and time-consuming. Majority of Americans feel that they don’t have the time out of their busy days to prepare multiple meals throughout the week, or bear to spend hundreds of dollars on organic, whole foods. It almost seems as if the American food system sets up our health needs for failure. In a p
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The first completely synthetic plastic, called bakelite, was made in 1907 by Leo Baekeland. Since then, plastic has become a popular material to make many of the things we use today. From plates, utensils, toys, bottles, bags, and containers, to laptop cases and cell phones, plastic has been a cheap, but very useful material for consumer goods. Although plastic is useful
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We seem to all want bigger hips with a smaller waistline. But is that possible? Yes, it very much is. Although results will vary with each body, doing the right exercises and practicing the habits will help get you to where you want faster. Choose strength workouts to tighten your abdominal muscles and build your hips, and balance that with your routine with calorie-s
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Imagine that you go into your kitchen to get a glass of water. You grab a cup and turn on your faucet and out pours dark and mucky water. Your entire glass becomes full of that. Your soul is just like that glass of water. Whatever you pour into it is what will fill it. That includes the music you listen to, the movies you watch, the food you eat and even the people you ha
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Many athletes are turning their attention to camel milk due to its unique properties: Athletes with allergies are 80% less likely to have an allergic reaction to the whey in camel milk compared to cow milk. (Cardoso 2010; Ehlayel 2011) Camel milk has higher levels of amino acids than cow milk (Saitmuratova 2001). Amino acids are crucial for muscle building, repair and
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One of the most popular diets of late — the Paleo diet — is actually hundreds of thousands of years old. Nicknamed the Caveman Diet, this diet focuses primarily on the foods that our Paleolithic ancestors ate. Those who advocate the Paleo diet swear by its many health benefits, from weight loss to increased energy and clearer skin. However, this primal diet receives m
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We all know exercising is one of those things we should do in life in order to stay healthy. But working out is difficult sometimes, physically and emotionally, and we need that extra motivation to keep us going. Not only is continuing the workout hard but just starting is a whole challenge in itself. Here is a list of quotes that will help motivate all aspects o
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Who would have ever thought that there was a wrong way to grocery shop? I mean, it’s just going to the store and buying foods you need, right? Apparently, there is a psychological aspect to this activity, one which involves what you buy based on how hungry you are when you go shopping. Here are some grocery shopping mistakes that could be slowing down your weigh
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Are you thinking of doing a detox, the Whole 30, or concerned about what alcohol can be doing to your body? Alcohol certainly plays a large role in the lives of American adults. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported in 2015 56% of Americans 18 or older have drunk alcohol in the past month and that 15.1 million adults have had alcohol dependence or AUD (A
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All workouts have the ability to destroy and build muscle. Muscle ache after a workout is a telling sign of exercise-induced muscle damage. Depending on your experience level and intensity of your exercise, muscle breakdown occurs at varying degrees. Enjoying a walk using muscles that are well trained may result in minimal breakdown and regrowth. Participate in a
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From rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis to inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis, the prevalence of autoimmune conditions in the western world is soaring. It seems modern medicine can only provide so many answers and that somewhere along the way, our diets and lifestyles started backfiring on our bodies. What Is an Autoimmune Condition? Your immune function is
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From boozy New Year’s Eve parties to a quiet chat with friends after dinner, alcohol plays a regular part in most of our lives. Almost all of us agree that heavy alcohol consumption is harmful. Consequences like cirrhosis and addiction issues support that position. But what about moderate alcohol consumption? Is it still dangerous? You’ve probably seen your fair
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The Paleo diet is one of the hottest trends in health. Go to practically any restaurant or grocery store, and you’ll see all kinds of Paleo-friendly options popping up. Unlike most diets, Paleo isn’t a diet as much as a framework for better health. The idea is to eat as our ancestors did before the agricultural revolution because our bodies evolved to thrive on those food
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Coconut oil has become one of the most discussed “superfoods” in recent years. In the past, many people have avoided coconut oil because it’s saturated fat, which was previously thought to be a leading cause of heart disease. Now, this claim still has yet to be proven by reputable scientific research. And coconut oil has made a comeback as a superfood that not only im
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Keto, Paleo, Atkins, low-carb, low-fat, vegan. There are a million dietary choices right at your hands, and in recent years, both ketogenic (keto) and Paleolithic (Paleo) diets have garnered significant interest. They boast benefits from reversing autoimmune diseases to treating epilepsy, type 2 diabetes, and even helping with weight loss, so it’s no wonder these
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In the harsh conditions of deserts, you will often hear camel men saying ‘Water is soul, but camel milk is life!’ Popularly known as ‘insulin’ of the future by many, camel milk is highly promising for your body. It’s because camel milk is linked to better insulin sensitivity due to its natural insulin content. Be it skincare, face or hair care, camel milk excels in all!
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How do you like your milk? Whole? Skim? 2 percent? Those used to be the only questions most of us thought about. But things are different now. As a host of non-dairy alternatives (like camel milk) have burst onto the scene, we find ourselves with more options in the milk aisle than ever before. Another question adds a kink to the picture: pasteurized or raw? Many of us ha
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Vinegar is made in a two-step process, similar to how alcohol is made. The first step is exposing crushed apples to yeast, which ferments the sugars and turn them into alcohol. The second step involves adding bacteria to the alcohol solution, which ferments the alcohol even more to the point it turns into acetic acid – the main active compound in vinegar. Org
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Most of us have dairy all the time. While we can agree that it tastes good, consuming it can lead to negative health effects. Some of us can enjoy dairy products without any problems. For others, it causes digestive discomfort, but nothing too serious. A friend of mine refuses to stop eating pizza – even though he knows he’ll be uncomfortable after. A small percentage of
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Vitamin B1 is one of the most crucial nutrients for good health. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most neglected ones as well. Most of us are concerned about – or at least aware of – the dangers of calcium, iron, and vitamin D deficiencies. But vitamin B1 often gets swept under the rug. Let’s get to the bottom of this once and for all. What is Vitamin B1? Why is it so
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For thousands of years humans have benefited from the healing properties of camel milk. Now it seems that animals are deriving benefits from the milk as well. A 2009 study in Tunisia demonstrated the anti-diabetic effect of camel milk on diabetic dogs. A group of diabetic dogs was given 500 ml of raw camel milk daily. The study concluded that the dogs had a significan
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Let’s talk about your gut. I know, I know. Not exactly the most pleasant topic. But gut problems are something that millions of people struggle with. Some of us aren’t even aware of it, though that doesn’t make the devastating health effects any less real. Just how serious is the gut health problem, anyway? Most importantly: what can we do about it? Keep reading
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How do you like your milk? Whole? Skim? 2 percent? Those used to be the only questions most of us thought about. But things are different now. As a host of non-dairy alternatives (like camel milk) have burst onto the scene, we find ourselves with more options in the milk aisle than ever before. Another question adds a kink to the picture: pasteurized or raw? Many
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If your skin is as dry as the Sahara Desert, the perfect natural remedy may be found in the desert itself. Deemed the “new thing in skincare” by several beauty blogs, camel milk is becoming known for its ability to improve the texture of skin, clear up acne and keep wrinkles away. In addition to skin care, camel milk is also starting to make an appearance in shampoos
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Which diet is healthier for you, vegan or paleo? Which way of eating is most likely the one our ancestors ate? Which approach to food will help you reverse type 2 diabetes, chronic illnesses, and autoimmunity? What Is Vegan Diet? Going vegan has simple rules. You’re allowed to eat anything that hasn’t been created by an animal or made from animals. Veganism takes
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Delicious and good for you, this cocoa camel milk porridge is packed with health benefits. It contains cholesterol-lowering oats, potassium-rich bananas, and camel milk full of probiotics. The toppings can range from omega-3-rich chia seeds complemented by the antioxidative properties of cocoa nibs and pomegranate seeds. Our cocoa camel milk porridge is here to prove that
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Dates, camel milk, and bananas come together to create a uniquely creamy caramel-like smoothie. This all-natural energy drink makes a perfect post-workout meal packed with fiber from the bananas, dates, and chia seeds, and calcium and healthy fats from the camel milk. The best part is you only need four ingredients to create this delicious smoothie, so it doesn’t onl
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This raspberry, blood orange, and mango chia cream make a refreshing and healthy breakfast or snack made with fresh or frozen fruits and sweetened with a touch of honey. Chia seeds are not only a joy to eat, but also they are super nutritious and healthy. With raspberries, blood oranges, and mangoes, this camel milk chia cream is packed with calcium, omega-3 essentia
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Tender, soft, and full of juicy berries, these sweet muffins are a healthy way to start your day. I used raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries in this recipe, but feel free to substitute your favorite fruits in place of mixed berries. Just make sure to use only fresh fruits, as the frozen ones release more moisture as they bake. Coat the berries in tapioca flour be
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Smoothies are tasty just as much as they are beautiful. Juicy strawberries, mangos, bananas, and chia seeds with your favorite fruit and nut toppings come together in this healthy, layered breakfast smoothie. The secret for obtaining the perfect sweetness is from using a ripe banana. Just make You can also add a teaspoon of honey for a sweeter taste. This smoothie c
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This homemade banana milk ice cream is even better than the real McCoy. We’ve all found a favorite food conveniently pre-made at your local supermarket and you just can’t get enough of it. In a bid to create a healthy, homemade alternative, you mock up a me-too equivalent. The best part – there’s no refined sugars, additives, or gelling agents. Just real, wholesome f
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Start your day with this earthy, antioxidant-filled matcha chia seed pudding. It’s creamy and smooth with a sweet crunch in every bite. Matcha or green tea powder is a super food loaded with good-for-you antioxidants, vitamin C, and minerals. It calms the body and promotes alert awareness without the jitters that coffee gives. With the fiber-packed chia seeds, this p
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Raw lunches just don’t cut it sometimes. When you find yourself craving food to make you warm inside, be sure to turn to our sweet potato and red lentil soup. In the healthiest way possible, our nourishing soup will excite your taste buds while satisfying your belly and warming your cockles. What more could you ask for? Print Tweet Share Pin Share 0 Shares S
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Breakfast can be the quickest meal of the day, yet it’s also the most important. The right breakfast will help awaken your metabolism, nourish your body, and have you ready and raring for anything coming your way. The key is consuming the right foods that can provide your body with slow-release energy. These protein-based carrot and zucchini breakfast muffins do just that
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A berry smoothie bowl makes a delicious breakfast, snack, or even dessert. It’s a much more nutritious option compared to traditional breakfast foods and desserts like as pastries, cereal, cakes, and ice cream. This recipe is great for when you don’t have time to cook but want something that will give you an energized start to your day. The frozen berries give it
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Vanilla ice cream is a must-have for homemade sundaes, to serve with brownies, or alongside your famous pie recipe for the holidays. It is surprisingly easy to make a more nutritious version of this frozen dessert that tastes so better than a store-bought brand. This camel milk vanilla ice cream is rich and creamy, with the milk adding a slight sweetness that goe
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If you enjoy moist, fudgy brownies, you will love this recipe. Regular baking flour is swapped for mild and slightly buttery almond flour and camel milk adds the perfect moist texture, as well as nutritious protein. Maple syrup is the perfect flavor-rich, unrefined sweetener. With two sources of chocolate, mini chips and cocoa powder, the chocolatey flavor is unbe
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Fluffy and delicious homemade pancakes are a breakfast staple — and for good reason. They make a wonderful addition to a weekend brunch or a quick make-ahead weekday breakfast. Are you a pancake lover? Then you’ll definitely enjoy these! Coconut flour is high in fiber, which results in a scrumptious, light-textured hotcake that will keep you fuller, longer. The c
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Nothing goes better with a good cup of joe or tea than a slice of homemade cake, especially coffee cake with a crumbly and sweet streusel topping. While this recipe tastes like a sinful dessert, it’s actually packed with nutrients. The eggs and camel milk in the cake are high in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. The coconut flour is a great source of tummy-fi
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There’s nothing like a freshly baked muffin studded with berries. Perfect for teatime or breakfast, these blueberry muffins are simply scrumptious. The coconut flour, eggs, and arrowroot starch work together to create a crumb that is light and fluffy, yet still substantial. Camel Milk has a mild flavor that complements the berries, and the coconut oil helps keep t
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This mushroom stroganoff is one of the best hearty comfort foods. Made with chunky mushrooms and a creamy, smooth camel milk sauce, it is healthy, low in fat, and loaded with fiber and protein. The best part is, it is easy to make and comes together in less than 20 minutes. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and potassium. By mixing them into any dish, you
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Vibrant and flavorful, this Spanish gazpacho soup is the perfect refreshment on a warm summer afternoon. This is an easy recipe that comes together in under 10 minutes and a quick spin in the food processor is all that it takes to transform fresh tomatoes, bell peppers, and spring onion into a silky, smooth soup. Camel milk adds extra creaminess and rich flavor to th
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On a hot summer day, you don’t want anything but cold and refreshing foods in your mouth. And who said soup is only for winter? This recipe is made with cooling cucumber blended into a creamy soup with camel milk, spicy radishes, fresh mint, dill, and lemon juice. Because of their water-rich properties, cucumbers are perfect for making a delicious soup. It’s light an
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These classic vanilla almond mini cakes are rich, fragrant, and a lot like macarons — crisp on the outside thanks to the almond flour, and soft and dense from on the inside from the combination of camel milk and raw honey. Not only do these little cakes taste great, but they’re also packed with calcium-rich camel milk, raw honey, and ground almonds. The cakes are gre
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Sometimes you just need ice cream. When your sweet tooth speaks up, this superfood soft serve recipe will satisfy sugar cravings and nourish you at the same time. This Chocolate Cherry Soft Serve takes less than 5 minutes to make and is sweetened with fruit, raw cacao powder, and coconut nectar, which provide antioxidants, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minera
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Two superfoods meet in this Camel Milk Matcha Latte recipe to provide the perfect pick-me-up that’s loaded with antioxidants, amino acids, and energizing vitamins and minerals. While it’s known that matcha green tea is particularly high in antioxidants and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the primary compound that gives green tea its health benefits, some sources
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Chia seed pudding is an incredibly fast recipe to prepare and makes it easy to get fiber and omega 3 essential fatty acids in your diet. Best of all, you can customize chia seed pudding with a twist on any flavors you’d like. With this chia pudding recipe, we decided to enhance the nutritional content by soaking the chia seeds in nutrient-rich camel milk, and recr
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The most powerful nutrients for beautifying your skin can be found in nature — which is why it’s no surprise that camel milk is appearing in several effective natural skin care products, from face washes to brightening serums. Camel milk is extremely high in lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid that acts a natural skin brightener and exfoliator to help reduce breako
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If you think back to when you’ve been bloated, constipated, or had to suffer through the burn of acid reflux, chances are, you also felt tired, grumpy and irritable. In other words, when your digestion is off, you’re almost guaranteed to feel “off” too. Your mood and energy levels are just one of the ways your gut influences your entire body and its overall state
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There’s nothing quite like a Starbucks Chai Latte… until you realize the Grande has 42g of sugar. Pre-prepared beverages can be a refined sugar trap, with the popular chai latte adding about 10 cubes of unnecessary sugar. We have a secret -– you can still indulge while enjoying all the same flavors in a much healthier way. The basic ingredients used to form chai
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Looking for an indulgent dessert worthy of an Alice in Wonderland style tea party? A treat that’s a feast for your eyes, your taste buds, and your body? If your answer is yes, yes, and yes, our homemade dark chocolate spoons are your perfect answer. Made in advance, these refined sugar-free spoonsicles can be served as dessert, a post-lunch treat, or even gifted to friend
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A sky-high stack of fluffy waffles is truly the breakfast of champions. These waffles have such great texture that you’d never guess they are free from gluten and refined ingredients. The Camel Milk Kefir adds protein, probiotics, beneficial fatty acids, and a slight tang. Coconut flour is high in fiber and yields a fluffy crumb. Eggs help the waffles rise and add
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Strawberry shortcake is a delicious and versatile summer or spring treat. This version has a vanilla cake base rather than biscuits for a more dessert-like feel. The cake is made with Camel Milk, which adds protein and a mild, sweet flavor. Eggs and coconut oil contribute healthy fats and make the dish fluffy and moist. A combination of coconut flour, almond flour
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Creamy vanilla ice cream studded with delicious cookie dough pieces makes a great dessert for nearly any occasion. Our version is just as scrumptious, but is gluten-free and made with nutrient rich camel milk The ice cream has a mild yet delicious flavor from the camel milk, enhanced with vanilla and maple syrup. The cookie dough is made with almond flour and coco
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It’s Paleo-Approved.

Why Camel Milk? It’s
That’s right! Camel Milk is the only Paleo-Approved dairy product on the market. And we like to think of Paleo as a lifestyle, not a set of strict rules you have to follow. The journey is different for everyone, so there’s no right or wrong way to do it. We’re just here to help you make the best, healthiest choices possible.
Think of us as your go-to buddy for Paleo recipes, lifestyle, and fitness. Want to know what a Paleo meal looks like? We’ve got everything from breakfast stuffed peppers to jalapeno poppers. Have a questions about your health? We’ve got answers. And if you want to keep up with the latest in Paleo, tune in to our Podcast where we interview the world’s top Paleo experts. Or, better yet, head on over to our start here page. We’ll see you there!